Learning Differences
Not all learners are the same. There are some who learn easily, and there are some who struggle and have to exert more effort. It is important for educators to identify their student’s learning styles and adapt a teaching method that is effective.
Students with learning differences are those who learn in a significantly different way from others. In a class, they are often observed as those who process concepts at a slower pace and take more time to fully understand and master a topic. A learning difference may not be recognized until the academic demands become harder and more challenging. They are just categorized as having difficulties in reading, writing, and/or spelling. These students need the support of tutors because they respond better to one-on-one instruction.
Learning differences not only include clinically diagnosed conditions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ADHD, and others. It also includes areas of executive function where a student is unable to organize tasks because of a difficulty in perception.
Interventions like therapy, academic coaching, or tutoring are needed as early as the condition has been identified to help them maximize their strengths and identify their weaknesses. With proper guidance, these students can excel and have a successful school life.