School’s Profile

Crossroads School for Arts & Science
(310) 829-7391
1714 21st Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Year Founded 1971 Religious Affiliation Nonsectarian
Type Of School Day School Admissions Website Open in new tab
Grade Levels Middle School, High School Gender CoEd
Contact Information
Contact No. (310) 829-7391
Official Website
School’s Official Email Id
Fast Facts
School Information/Summary Sheet open
Grade Levels Middle School, High School
Student Population
No. of Students in school Total Student: 1,210 | Grades K-5: 315 | Grades 6-8: 332 | Grades 9-12: 563
Student - teacher ratio 8:1
Tuition (Low) $40,531
Tuition (High) $47,935
Admissions Website
Application Requirements
Parent Essay Required Yes
Child Essay Required Yes
Transcript Required Yes
College Counseling
College Counseling Info

Art Mccann, Dean of College Counseling
Phone: (310) 582-4260

Yamilet Medina Lopez, Associate Dean of College Counseling
Phone: 310-582-4219

Brianna Shepard, Associate Dean of College Counseling
Phone: (310) 582-4242



Elementary School Sports
Girls Basketball, Girls Volleyball, Boys Volleyball, Boys Basketball, Coed Flag Football, Coed Soccer, Coed Swimming

Middle School Sports
Girls Cross Country, Girls Basketball, Girls Soccer, Girls Softball, Girls Tennis, Girls Track and Field, Girls Volleyball, Boys Cross Country, Boys Baseball, Boys Basketball, Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis, Boys Track and Field, Boys Volleyball, Coed Flag Football, Coed Golf, Coed Swimming

Upper School Sports
Girls Cross Country, Girls Basketball, Girls Soccer, Girls Softball, Girls Tennis, Girls Track, Girls Volleyball, Boys Baseball, Boys Basketball, Boys Cross Country, Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis, Boys Track, Boys Volleyball, Coed Flag Football, Coed Golf, Coed Swimming

Team Schedules
Fall Sports
Baseball - Boys, US, Basketball - Boys, US Freshman/Sophomore (Fall), Basketball - Boys, US, JV (Fall), Basketball - Boys, US, Varsity (Fall), Basketball - Girls, 5th Grade, Basketball - Girls, US, JV (Fall), Basketball - Girls, US, Varsity (Fall), Beach Volleyball - Boys, JV, US, Beach Volleyball - Boys, Varsity, US, Cross Country - Boys, JV, US, Cross Country - Boys, Varsity, US, Cross Country - Coed, MS, Cross Country - Girls, JV, US, Cross Country - Girls, Varsity, US, Flag Football - Coed, 5thGrade, Flag Football - Coed, MS - Red, Flag Football - Coed, MS - Royal, Flag Football - Coed, MS - White, Swimming - Coed, MS, Tennis - Girls, JV, US, Tennis - Girls, MS, Tennis - Girls, Varsity, US, Volleyball - Girls, JV, US, Volleyball - Girls, MS - Navy, Volleyball - Girls, MS - Red, Volleyball - Girls, MS - Royal, Volleyball - Girls, MS - White, Volleyball - Girls, Varsity, US

Winter Sports
Baseball - Boys, US, Winter, Basketball - Boys, 5th Grade, Basketball - Boys, JV, US, Basketball - Boys, MS, Navy, Basketball - Boys, MS, Red, Basketball - Boys, MS, Royal, Basketball - Boys, MS, White, Basketball - Boys, US Freshman/Sophomore, Basketball - Boys, Varsity, US, Basketball - Girls, JV, US, Basketball - Girls, MS, Red, Basketball - Girls, MS, Royal, Basketball - Girls, Varsity, US, Beach Volleyball - Coed, US, Soccer - Boys, JV, US, Soccer - Boys, MS, Red, Soccer - Boys, MS, Royal, Soccer - Boys, MS, White, Soccer - Boys, Varsity, US, Soccer - Girls, MS, Royal, Soccer - Girls, Varsity, US, Volleyball - Girls, 5thGrade, Winter Swimming, Winter Tennis - Coed, MS (M/W) Memorial, Winter Tennis - Coed, MS (M/W) Ocean View, Winter Tennis - Coed, MS (T/TH) Memorial

Spring Sports
Baseball - Boys, MS, Baseball - Boys, MS (Red), Baseball - Boys, Varsity, US, Basketball - Boys, US, JV (Summer), Basketball - Boys, US, Varsity (Summer), Beach Volleyball - Girls, US, Golf - Coed, MS, Golf - Coed, Varsity, US, Soccer - Coed, 5thGrade, Softball - Girls, MS, Softball - Girls, Varsity, US, Swimming - Boys, JV, US, Swimming - Boys, Varsity, US, Swimming - Coed, Varsity, US, Swimming - Girls, Varsity, US, Tennis - Boys, JV, US, Tennis - Boys, Varsity, US, Tennis - MS Boys, Track & Field - Boys, JV, US, Track & Field - Boys, Varsity, US, Track & Field - Coed ES, Track & Field - Girls, JV, US, Track & Field - Girls, Varsity, US, Track and Field - Coed MS, Volleyball - Boys, 5th Grade, Volleyball - Boys, JV, US, Volleyball - Boys, Varsity, US, Volleyball - MS Boys Red, Volleyball - MS Boys Royal, Volleyball - MS Boys White

Arts (Visual, Music, Performing)

Elementary School
Creative Dance and Movement, Drama, Music, Visual Arts

Middle School
Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts

Upper School
Dance, Drama, EMMI (The Elizabeth Mandell Music Institute), Film, Music, Visual Arts